Blog Post

How to Gain Control of Your Dog's Chronic Ear Problems

Admin • August 7, 2019
Pet health — Cute Brown Dog in Jacksonville, FL

An occasional ear infection is common with dogs, but some canines seem to suffer ear discomfort continually. There are many potential causes of ear problems. Foreign objects, bacteria,allergies,and other health issues can all lead to discomfort. Thankfully, pet owners have many ways to help their dog feel better.

Improve Their Diet

A healthier diet can help many dogs to have fewer ear infections and less discomfort. Low sugar content in a dog food formula avoids an overgrowth of yeast. Yeast feeds off sugar and multiples quickly when there is a warm, moist environment. Ears with a yeast over growth will develop a strong odor, a discharge, and become very itchy.

Itchy, inflamed ears are also common in pets with allergies. Hypoallergenic foods can soothe the skin and reduce inflammation because they do not have common pet allergens like wheat or corn. Omega 3 fatty acids in a diet can also help to reduce inflammation.

A nutritional diet boosts the immune system. A dog with a strong immune system will have the ability to fight off infection or heal faster when an infection occurs. Consider the addition of some fresh, lean meat and fresh vegetables to the pet's diet along with a high-quality kibble.

Dry Their Ears

Excess moisture can also cause ear discomfort in dogs. In the bath, do not spray water around the head or ears because it could get deep into the ear canal. Use a wet cloth to wash the head and ears instead. Towel dry the inner ear or use cotton balls to remove moisture after the dog swims or spends time out in the rain.

Water in the ear, heated by body temperature, becomes a fertile breeding ground for bacteria and fungi

Remove Foreign Objects

Check dog ears after walks or outside play for any seeds or other foreign matter that could irritate them. The most concerning are foxtail seeds because they have barbs that latch onto the fur or skin, so the pet cannot shake them off. Some seeds may fall too far into the ear canal to make them visible. Go to the vet if the pet shakes their head a lot or scratches habitually at their ear.

Parasites like fleas and mites also cause ear issues. Use preventatives to keep fleas (and ticks)away. The presence of mites is not always easy to detect early because of the small size of the parasite. When mites are present a bacterial infection may occur.

A few drops of olive oil in the ear canal will kill the mites. Clean and dry the ears thoroughly after using the oil. Visit a veterinarian if the ear stays red or there is a discharge because these symptoms could signal an infection.

Keep Them Groomed

Wash pet ears occasionally to avoid a buildup of ear wax and to remove any dirt or debris. A veterinarian can suggest the best ear cleaner and show owners the proper way to clean the ears at home. Use cotton balls and not swabs during every cleaning because swabs can push wax deeper into the ear canal.

Some pets also need to have hair pulled from their ear canals. Certain breeds, like poodles, have hair that grows inside the ear. Ear wax buildup collects on the hair and leads to infections because the ear can not drain adequately. Dog owners can ask their vet to demonstrate how to pull the hair or ask the groomer to remove the hair during their regular grooming session.

At Baywood Animal Hospital , we know that a comfortable pet is a much happier pet. Contact us if your dog has ear problems that never seem to go away. We will work with you to find a solution. Call today to schedule an appointment.

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