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What Not to Feed Your Cat | Baywood Animal Hospital

Admin • September 10, 2019
Zoom Photo Of A Cat Eating Food — Jacksonville, FL — Baywood Animal Hospita

Should you cat eat the same food you do? While your cat probably doesn't beg for table scraps like your dog might, human food isn't always the best choice for your feline friend. If you're not sure what your pet shouldn't eat, take a look at the items to keep away from your cat.

Dairy Products
Can cats drink milk or eat cheese? Contrary to popular opinion, cats and dairy don't mix. A saucer of cold milk or a spoonful of ice cream is not a treat for your cat. Even though your pet may eagerly lap up milk or eat your cheese sandwich, dairy can cause serious gastrointestinal issues for felines.

Why shouldn't you feed your cat dairy products? The top reasons include:

  • Lactose intolerance . While not every cat experiences this GI issue, many felines can't adequately digest milk proteins. This can lead to diarrhea, abdominal aches, and other uncomfortable stomach issues.
  • Age-related changes . Like other infant animals, your cat nursed from their mother as kitten. If your young cat can drink milk, why can't your older one? As cats age, the levels of lactase (the enzyme that allows them to break down lactose) decreases.
  • The milk type . Kittens drink cat's milk, not cow's milk. Dairy products from different animals have different biological make-ups. These differences can make it more difficult to digest cow's milk and other items made from it.
  • Added ingredients . Ice cream with high sugar content or products that contain artificial sweeteners aren't acceptable foods for your pet to eat. Xylitol (and artificial sweetener) is toxic to pets. Never feed your pet anything with this or other similar ingredients.

Dairy products aren't the only human foods your cat should avoid.

Chocolate Treats
You've heard chocolate is potentially dangerous for dogs. But what about cats? Like canines, felines can also have serious adverse reactions to chocolate.

Chocolate and cats don't mix due to:
  • The ingredients . Caffeine and theobromine in chocolate are potentially toxic to cats.
  • The sugar content . High-sugar foods aren't healthy for pets. While the sugar itself may not make your cat sick, it can contribute to weight gain and related chronic conditions.
  • The results . Chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, muscle rigidity, low blood pressure, or increased heart rate in cats. It can also cause seizures or cardiac failure.
If your cat eats chocolate accidentally and experiences GI, cardiac, respiratory, or any other symptoms, contact the veterinarian immediately. The vet will need to examine your pet, diagnose a possible caffeine or theobromine overdose, and provide treatment options.

Raw Meat
You cat is a meat eater. But that doesn't mean they should eat what you trim off your dinner during the food prep process. Why shouldn't you feed your cat raw beef, chicken, fish, pork, or other meat product? The top reasons include:

  • Bacteria . Uncooked meat may harbor potentially dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli. These microorganisms can cause GI infections and other illnesses in pets.
  • Parasites . Raw fish or pork can also contain parasites, such as tapeworms or Toxoplasma.
  • Cross-contamination . Not only are raw foods bad for your cat, but they can also pose a risk to your family's health. Uncooked meat products left on the floor or bacteria on your cat's mouth can pass microorganisms along to adults and children in your household.

Even though raw diets have grown in popularity recently, never attempt to feed your cat uncooked meat products without the vet's go-ahead. If you want to explore alternative dietary options, the veterinarian can guide your choices in a healthy way.

Do you need help planning your pet's menu? Contact Baywood Animal Hospital for more information.

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